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The Trustees now require an inspection from the building’s contractors and inspectors, (unfortunately it is too easy to get false approval from unqualified contractors) before a construction project commences and after the work has been completed.  This is also the case before transfer of property takes place, so that new owners and the rest of the body corporate can be assured that everything is up to code and un-going problems will be not be inherited. Such inspections will be at the owner's expense.


Those owners wishing to sell their section, should schedule an inspection from the building's plumber and electrician.  Please contact the Managing Agent for their details. Payment to the contractors should be made at the time of the inspection. 


Failure to do so could result in delays or denial of the transfer.



Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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