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Domestic Worker
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For all residents who employ a Domestic Worker, please fill out the form below and return it to the

Security Desk.  This is important in case of an emergency and for the security of all residents.


Knightsbridge Mansions Information Sheet

             for Domestic Worker

Name: __________________________________________________________


Current Address:  ________________________________________________________________



Current Home Telephone __________________  Cell Phone _________________


ID Number________________________________________________________


Typical Work Schedule:______________________________________________


Person to Contact in Case of Emergency_________________________________

Telephone Number ____________________ Cell Phone ____________________

Unit Number: ____


Name of Employer (Unit Owner)  ______________________________________


Telephone No. of Employer: ____________ Cell Number _______________




Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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