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 (1)       An owner shall keep his section free of white ants, borer and other wood destroying insects and to this end shall permit the trustees, the managing agent, and their duly authorised agents or em­ployees, to enter upon his or her section from time to time for the purpose of inspecting the section and taking such action as may be reasonably necessary to eradicate any such pests. 

 (2)       The costs of the inspection, eradicating any such pests as may be found within the section, replacement of any woodwork or other material forming part of such section that may be damaged by any such pests shall be borne by the owner of the section concerned.


Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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