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Before and After

Knightsbridge Mansions...Rich in Tradition

Even Better Today!

Knightsbridge Mansions was the first block of flats to be built in Sea Point as one can see from the  above photo from 1937.   Note the old automobile and the old Bordeaux Hotel which was next to it.  In those years, Knightsbridge was at the "cutting edge."  Its lift was one of the first in Cape Town, built by the Otis Rolls Royce Company.  Old timers talk about how they used to come to Knightsbridge to ride the lift for a thrilling experience.!

The "Grand Dame" along the Atlantic Seaboard was built to last.  The heavy concrete between the floors and the walls make the building much more quiet than those done  today.  The inner courtyard creates not only a scenic internal view for each apartment, but also a natural air flow which cools the units in the summer months. The many balconies allow those owners unsurpassed views of the Sea Point promenade and the Atlantic Ocean. A great deal has been done to meticulously restore this Art Deco treasure to its former glory and the attention to the beautiful gardens are even better than they were originally.

Click on the "Before and After" button to see what's been done to make Knightsbridge still "The Best Place to Live in Sea Point!"



Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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