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Knightsbridge Mansions

Information Sheet For Renters





Current Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Current Home Telephone____________________________________________________

Cell Phone_______________________ID Number________________________________

Auto License Plate _________________________________________________________







Telephone Number: ___________________________________Number of Years_______


 Person(s) to Occupy Unit:



Person to Contact in Emergency_______________________________________________
Telephone Number _______________________Cell #____________________________



Unit Number _____Owner of Unit_____________________________________ Date of Move In______________



I (We) have received a copy of Knightsbridge Mansion’s Conduct Rules and agree to comply with all those provisions of said rules:


______________________________________               ______________

                   Signature(s)                                                                      Date

______________________________________               ______________

                           Signature(s)                                                                      Date


          Note: Tenants shall not keep any animal, insect, reptile or bird in the unit.


 I (We) have submitted a copy of the lease agreement:

______________________________________               ______________

                   Signature(s)                                                                        Date

______________________________________               ______________

                           Signature(s)                                                                        Date



Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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