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Notice of Intent
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Notice of Intent to Lease a Section


I/We are informing the board of trustees of Knightsbridge Mansions of the intent to sell/lease the property, known as




Letting Agent:__________________________________________________________________________________________


Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Telephone ________________________Cell #____________________


The length of the lease sought ________________________________

Date you would like to start the lease__________________________

I acknowledge that if I have not let my unit previously, R1000.00 will be added to my levy account as a damage deposit

for move-in/move-out of tenants.  Any damages to common property or to other units will be charged against this amount.

If damages are greater than the R1000.00, the owner is responsible for the additional amount due. When I cease to let my

unit, the damage deposit will be returned.


____________________________________    _______    _______________________________________________  _______

                      Owner Signature                                Date                                                   Owner Signature                                  Date





Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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