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Inner Courtyard
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Prior to 2001, the inner courtyard had nothing in it but a couple of dying plants and layers of dark green paint which covered the original Terrazzo floors.

Tired of the in-fighting about what to do with the space,  Mr. Barick of Unit 503 offered to donate a fountain and some plants, as well as having the paint removed from the floor in keeping with the original intention and style of Knightsbridge.





More plants had been added and  the courtyard began to mature into more of what it is like today…a peaceful respite filled with large green plants and the sound of water splashing in the fountain.



The Inner Courtyard continues to become more and more lush as the plantings continue to grow and flourish in the diffused light of the inner courtyard. A bench was added to create even more of a formal garden atmosphere.



Contact Information

Postal address
235 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005
Electronic mail

Webmaster: administrator@knightsbridgemansions.com
          Email: Trustees235Beach@aol.com


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